Saturday, February 28, 2015

Modern Stowaway

Dress: last season's H&M, thrifted, one size too big | pants: one half of a Disney's The Little Mermaid outfit 

This little Annie wanna be in her scruffy hair and unkempt dress is running away in style! 

Friday, February 13, 2015


sweatshirt: boys, second hand | corduroys: old navy | socks: mismatched, oldnavy | slippers: Sears, from Grandma

Yvie putting on her best diva face to tell you how disappointed she is that you didn't put her cereal in the cat bowl, put strawberries instead of blueberries in her cereal, and is absolutely refusing to eat unless you find that fancy spoon with the pig on the handle!

Here she is mixing and matching a sweatshirt borrowed from a boy, polka dots and solids, and cords in this I-just-rolled-out-of-bed outfit-and-could-care-less! This girl is stage ready in anything.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pagan Christmas - Really Late Holiday Post

Wonder Woman Shirt: Thrifted, vintage | Dress: Disney's Sophia the Princess, worn as a shirt | Boots: Thrifted

Christmas outfits don't have to do anything with Christmas in the toddler world! Wonder Woman shirt worn over Sophia the Princess dress over cowboy boots with mommy's red lipstick - celebrating women in style!